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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English - bed


Связанные словари


~1 n 1 »SLEEP« a piece of furniture for sleeping on  (a spare bed | a double bed | in bed)  (Simon lay in bed reading for hours. | go to bed)  (In the end, she went to bed without any fuss. | make the bed (=tidy the bed covers) | put sb to bed)  (I'll just put the children to bed. | get (sb) out of bed)  (Sorry for calling so early - I hope I didn't get you out of bed. | time for bed (=time to go to sleep) | take to your bed old-fashioned (=stay in bed because you are ill)) 2 go to bed with informal to have sex with someone 3 get sb into bed informal to persuade someone to have sex with you 4 »RIVER/LAKE/SEA« the flat ground at the bottom of a river, lake, or sea  (the sea bed) 5 »GARDEN« an area of a garden, park etc that has been prepared for plants to grow in  (rose beds) 6 »ROCK« a layer of rock  (- see also bedrock (2)) 7 »BASE« a layer of something that forms a base that other things are put on top of + of  (The hut rests on a bed of concrete. | prawns on a bed of lettuce) 8 oyster/coral etc bed an area of the bottom of the sea where there are a lot of oysters etc 9 get out of bed (on) the wrong side BrE get up on the wrong side of the bed AmE to feel slightly angry or annoyed for no particular reason 10 not a bed of roses not a happy, comfortable, or easy situation  (Life isn't always a bed of roses you know.) 11 you've made your bed and you must lie on it used to say that you must accept the bad results of your actions 12 be brought to bed (of) old use to give birth to a baby ~2 v 1 old-fashioned to have sex with someone 2 also bed out to put plants into the ground so that they can grow 3 to fix something firmly onto or into a base  (The foundations were bedded in cement.) bed down ~ phr v 1 T bed someone/something down) to make a person or animal comfortable for the night 2 to make yourself comfortable for the night  (Can I bed down on your sofa?)
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  (BEds) Note: in AM, use 'B.Ed.' A BEd is a degree which usually takes four years to complete and which qualifies someone to teach in a school. BEd is an abbreviation for ‘Bachelor of Education.’ Compare PGCE. N-COUNT BED (beds) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. A bed is a piece of furniture that you lie on when you sleep. She went into her bedroom and lay down on the bed... We finally went to bed at about 4am... By the time we got back from dinner, Nona was already in bed... When she had gone Sam and Robina put the children to bed. N-COUNT: also prep N 2. If a place such as a hospital or a hotel has a particular number of beds, it is able to hold that number of patients or guests. N-COUNT 3. A bed in a garden or park is an area of ground that has been specially prepared so that plants can be grown in it. ...beds of strawberries and rhubarb. N-COUNT: usu n N, N of n 4. A bed of shellfish or plants is an area in the sea or in a lake where a particular type of shellfish or plant is found in large quantities. The whole lake was rimmed with thick beds of reeds. N-COUNT: usu with supp 5. The sea bed or a river bed is the ground at the bottom of the sea or of a river. For three weeks a big operation went on to recover the wreckage from the sea bed. N-COUNT: usu sing, usu with supp 6. A bed of rock is a layer of rock that is found within a larger area of rock. Between the white limestone and the greyish pink limestone is a thin bed of clay. N-COUNT: usu with supp 7. If a recipe or a menu says that something is served on a bed of a food such as rice or vegetables, it means it is served on a layer of that food. Heat the curry thoroughly and serve it on a bed of rice. N-COUNT: usu sing, N of n 8. see also -bedded, bedding 9. To go to bed with someone means to have sex with them. PHRASE: V inflects 10. If you say that someone has made their bed and must lie in it, you mean that since they have chosen to do a particular thing,...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English, from Old English ~d; akin to Old High German betti ~, Latin fodere to dig  Date: before 12th century  1.  a. a piece of furniture on or in which to lie and sleep  b.  (1) a place of sex relations  (2) marital relationship  (3) close association ; cahoots a legislator in ~ with lobbyists  c. a place for sleeping  d. sleep; also a time for sleeping took a walk before ~  e.  (1) a mattress filled with soft material  (2) ~stead  f. the equipment and services needed to care for one hospitalized patient or hotel guest  2. a flat or level surface: as  a. a plot of ground prepared for plants; also the plants grown in such a plot  b. the bottom of a body of water; especially an area of sea bottom supporting a heavy growth of a particular organism an oyster ~  3. a supporting surface or structure ; foundation  4. layer, stratum  5.  a. the place or material in which a block or brick is laid  b. the lower surface of a brick, slate, or tile  6. a mass or heap resembling a ~ a ~ of ashes served on a ~ of lettuce  II. verb  (~ded; ~ding)  Date: before 12th century  intransitive verb  1.  a. to find or make sleeping accommodations — usually used with down a place to ~ down  b. to go to ~ — usually used with down ~ down at midnight  2. to form a layer  3. to lie flat or flush  transitive verb  1.  a. to furnish with a ~ or ~ding ; settle in sleeping quarters — often used with down  b. to put, take, or send to ~  2.  a. em~  b. to plant or arrange in ~s  c. base, establish  3.  a. to lay flat or in a layer  b. to make a ~ in or of  4. to have sexual intercourse with BED  abbreviation bachelor of education ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  n. & v. --n. 1 a a piece of furniture used for sleeping on, usu. a framework with a mattress and coverings. b such a mattress, with or without coverings. 2 any place used by a person or animal for sleep or rest; a litter. 3 a a garden plot, esp. one used for planting flowers. b a place where other things may be grown (osier bed). 4 the use of a bed: a colloq. for sexual intercourse (only thinks of bed). b for rest (needs his bed). 5 something flat, forming a support or base as in: a the bottom of the sea or a river. b the foundations of a road or railway. c the slates etc. on a billiard-table. 6 a stratum, such as a layer of oysters etc. --v. (bedded, bedding) 1 tr. & intr. (usu. foll. by down) put or go to bed. 2 tr. colloq. have sexual intercourse with. 3 tr. (usu. foll. by out) plant in a garden bed. 4 tr. cover up or fix firmly in something. 5 a tr. arrange as a layer. b intr. be or form a layer. Phrases and idioms bed and board 1 lodging and food. 2 marital relations. bed and breakfast 1 one night's lodging and breakfast in a hotel etc. 2 an establishment that provides this. bed of roses a life of ease. brought to bed (often foll. by of) delivered of a child. get out of bed on the wrong side be bad-tempered all day long. go to bed 1 retire for the night. 2 have sexual intercourse. 3 (of a newspaper) go to press. keep one's bed stay in bed because of illness. make the bed tidy and arrange the bed for use. make one's bed and lie in it accept the consequences of one's acts. put to bed 1 cause to go to bed. 2 make (a newspaper) ready for press. take to one's bed stay in bed because of illness. Etymology: OE bed(d), beddian f. Gmc ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) слой; горн. пласт 2) русло (реки) 3) дно (океана, реки) 4) водоносный пласт; водоупор 5) строит. основание; подушка, подготовка устраивать основание; устраивать подушку; ставить на основание 6) постель (кирпича, шифера) 7) горизонтальный шов кладки 8) строит. заделывать; погружать; пригонять 9) загрузка (фильтра) 10) метал. (отсадочная) постель; фундамент 11) метал. лещадь 12) машиностр. станина; фундамент; основание 13) стенд 14) штатив (репродукционного аппарата) 15) полигр. талер 16) радио канал; тракт 17) подушка (гладильного пресса) 18) платформа (швейной машины) 19) метал. стеллаж 20) бтх придонный слой, подложка to bed in — 1. притирать; прирабатывать 2. вчт. полностью отладить bed of nails — электрон. матрица (подпружинных) игольчатых контактов - active bed - active mixed bed - air-fluidized bed - ammoniated bed - anion-exchange bed - anion bed - atmospheric fluidized bed - bacteria bed - ballast bed - bearing bed - boiling bed - boulder bed - bubbling bed - bundling bed - card bed - carrier grid cooling bed - caster bed - casting bed - catalyst bed - cation-exchange bed - cation bed - cement-sand bed - circulating fluidized bed - clay bed - clay-bearing bed - coal bed - coke bed - coked fixed bed - commercial bed - conditioning bed - confining bed - conveyor bed - cooling bed - cooling roller bed - cylinder bed - dead roller bed - dense bed - densely packed bed - dirt bed - down-flow fixed bed - drop-hammer bed - electrofluidized bed - embankment bed - endurance test bed - engine bed -...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  основание (фундамента) подстилающий слой; постель лещадь постельная грань (камня, кирпича) клумба; гряда геол. пласт, горизонт, слой русло; дно (реки) заделывать, укладывать (напр. кабель) bed of boards bed of brick bed of mortar bed of slate aeration bed anion bed back bed bacteria bed ballast bed beam bed canal bed casting bed cation bed competent bed concrete casting bed confining bed contact bed contact filter bed crushed-stone bed drain filter beds drying bed equalizing bed filter bed filtration beds fluidized bed foundation bed ice bed limestone bed low-water bed mixed bed mortar bed natural bed packed bed pipeline bed prestress bed railroad bed river bed road bed rock bed sand bed seepage bed sludge draining bed sludge drying bed suspended sludge bed underdrainage bed ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) канал; тракт 2) штатив (фоторепродукционного аппарата) 3) станина, опора – flat bed ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  1) горн. залежь, месторождение 2) ложе, русло; дно (моря) 3) горн. породная масса 4) горн. пласт, слой, горизонт 5) основание (фундамента) 6) подложка 7) кровать, постель, ложе 8) грядка 9) верхняя или нижняя плоскость чего-л. 10) станина 11) стенд 12) полигр. талер 13) сажать, высаживать в грунт 14) настилать; укреплять на основании - anchor bed - bed of brick - boulder bed - casting bed - die bed contour - double bed - double cooling bed - engine test bed - fluidized bed - fuel bed - locking bed - louvre bed - mast bed - moving bed - needle bed - notch bar cooling bed - percolation bed - railroad bed - roller-type cooling bed - stone bed - truck bed - trunnion bed ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) грядка; клумба; сажать, высаживать (растения) 2) место семян (в стручке) 3) бот. ложе 4) лёжка зверя; рыть нору, делать логово 5) русло (реки); дно (моря или реки); ложе (океана); зарываться в грунт (о водных животных) 6) заросль; куртина to bed out — сажать, высаживать (растения) – algal bed – biological filter bed – flower bed – heavy bed – mussel bed – nail bed – nursery bed – root bed – vascular bed ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  бакалавр педагогики Сокращение от Bachelor of Education. Ставится после фамилии, пишется также B. Ed. ...
Англо-русский лингвострановедческий словарь
  1. кровать, постель; ложе folding bed —- раскладная кровать single bed —- односпальная кровать soft bed —- мягкая постель hospital bed —- больничная койка bed of boards —- нары bed of state —- ист. королевское ложе bed lamp (light) —- лампа у кровати bed sheet —- простыня bed linen —- постельное белье bed pad —- наматрасник; стеганая подстилка между матрацем и простыней bed warmer —- грелка (для постели) bed care —- мед. лечение стационарных больных; уход за лежачими больными; постельный режим bed capacity —- число коек (в больнице) bed availability —- наличие свободных коек on the bed of sickness —- на одре болезни on the bed of death —- на смертном одре to go to bed —- ложиться спать to put (a child) to bed —- укладывать (ребенка) to make the bed —- застилать (убирать) постель (утром); (по)стелить постель (вечером) to change the bed —- сменить постельное белье to take to one's bed —- слечь в постель to keep to one's bed —- лежать в постели, не вставать (о больном) to leave one's bed —- подняться с постели, встать на ноги (о больном) 2. матрац, тюфяк; подстилка feather bed —- перина bed of hay —- подстилка из сена bed of straw —- соломенный тюфяк the soldiers lay down on a bed of straw —- солдаты улеглись на соломе the dog on his bed in the corner —- собака на своей подстилке в углу 3. брачное ложе, брак marriage (nuptial) bed —- брачное...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
   1. noun  1) постель, кровать, ложе bed of straw - соломенный тюфяк to make the bed - стлать постель to go to bed - ложиться спать to take to ones bed - слечь в постель to keep to (ones) bed - хворать, лежать в постели to leave ones bed - выздороветь, встать с постели  2) брачное ложе  3) клумба; гряда, грядка  4) дно (моря, реки)  5) poet. могила the bed of honour - могила павшего в бою; братская могила to put to bed with a shovel - хоронить  6) geol. пласт, слой; залегание  7) railways балластный слой; полотно  8) constr. основание (для фундамента)  9) tech. станина as you make your bed, so you must lie upon it prov. - что посеешь, то и пожнешь - bed of roses - bed of flowers - bed of thorns to go to bed in ones boots rude быть мертвецки пьяным to die in ones bed умереть собственной смертью to be brought to bed (of a boy) разрешиться от бремени (мальчиком) to go to bed with the lamb and rise with the lark ложиться спозаранку и вставать с петухами to get out of bed on the wrong side встать с левой ноги, быть в плохом настроении - bed and board  2. v.  1) класть в постель  2) ложиться в постель  3) стлать подстилку (для лошади)  4) сажать, высаживать в грунт (обыкн. bed out)  5) класть на надлежащее основание (кирпич на слой известки и т.п.); настилать - bed down - bed in - bed out BED and breakfast система услуг в гостинице, по которой проживающий платит за номер на ночь и за...
Англо-русский словарь
  physiol. abbr. Binge Eating Disorder U.S. gov. abbr. Beverage Entertainment And Dining meteo abbr. Battlefield Environment Directorate ac. degr. abbr. Bachelor of Education funny abbr. Big Elephant Dangly db. abbr. Browser Extensible Data sport abbr. Biking, Eating, And Drinking gen. bus. abbr. Better Equipment Donation gen. bus. abbr. Beverages Entertainment And Dining NYSE symbols Bedford Property Investments, Inc. ...
English abbreviation dictionary
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - O.E. bed "bed," from P.Gmc. *bathjam. Both "sleeping" and "gardening" senses are in O.E. Meaning "bottom of a lake, sea, watercourse" is from 1586. Bedridden is O.E. bedreda, from ridan "to ride," with -en due to analogy of pp. adjectives. Bedstead (1440) is strictly "the place occupied by a bed." Bedroom (1590) replaced M.E. bedchamber. First record of slang bedroom eyes is 1940s. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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